To whom it may concern,
I wanted to write this quick letter to let you know of Aqua Rec’s endorsement of working with Sparky (Dynamic Results), as we (Aqua Rec’s) has been in business for over 45 years and have worked with several advertising companies and people over the years. Sparky is a very honest and upfront person to work with and has tremendous ties in the industry and that shows in the value he brings to the advertising we receive. Spark is a very hard worker, hands on, and quite honestly the results are what matter to me, not to mention the knowledge he brings to the table and his willingness to prove it.
In a pandemic Covid-19 year (2020), Aqua Rec’s is tremendously up for the 2020 year despite having to close one of its locations (due to the liberal area it is located in) which we did over 1.6 million of revenue in the previous year and also not having two of our largest State Shows / Events this year (Puyallup / West Washington State Fall Fair and Puyallup Spring Fair), in which we easily do over 2 million per year in sales at those two events alone. Despite losing all three of those revenue locations / events (over 3.5 million in lost revenue in previous years), our company is still significantly up for the year in sales! Much of this has to do with the advertising we have done with Dynamic Results and the work Sparky has helped us with. I am busy in my business and quite honestly don’t have time (nor desire) to pour countless hours into advertising and it’s nice to work with someone who basically does it all for me.
We at Aqua Re’s 100% endorse using Sparky if you’re considering TV advertising! If you would like to discuss my thoughts any further, please do not hesitate to call me at (253) 227-2001.
Sincerely In Service,
Chris Kovaks
General Manager / Owner
Aqua Rec’s Inc.
Aqua Rec’s Fireside Hearth N’ Home
1407 Puyallup Ave
Tacoma, WA 98421
(253) 682-1792 (Office)
(253) 227-2001 (Cell)