Dear Sparky Taft,
I write this letter of recommendation as a testimonial to the hard work and excellent media support you have provided for four (4) of the casinos that I have owned and/or managed over the course of the past 15 years. Your knowledge about marketing in all media outlets are in my opinion unmatched in the industry. Your tireless efforts to achieve the goals and aspirations of the casino has been inspirational. Just your work ethic alone is unparalleled, you would often text me all hours of the early morning and late evening to discuss the plans for the marketing program and make suggestions how we could improve our marketing strategy.
The rates you were able to negotiate for the casinos, not only save us money but allowed us to receive maximum exposer for bargain basement rates. Since all revenue goes to the bottom line, the savings we realized in marketing translated into greater distributions to the Tribe.
It has been my pleasure to not only watch you create your media magic but to have been the beneficiary of the savings in the two card rooms I owned. With your help and although long forgotten by the Skokomish Tribe, when I called you and told you all I had was $5,000 and two months to make enough money to convince the Council not to close the casino, you jumped in with both media feet and the casino exists today because of that effort.
When we needed to get on TV or the Radio right away because of a last-minute promotion, you were always able to accommodate our request and place us almost immediately.
Lastly, over the years I have come to know you as a person and not just as our media and marketing expert. I have appreciated your support almost throughout my career and I guess I’ve even become fond of your bright and colorful attire.
If you use this as a testimonial or letter of recommendation, I can say it has been my pleasure to have met you and worked with you and your company over the past fifteen (15) years. I would recommend you to any Tribe or non-Tribal entity that wants responsible media support at very reasonable rates. When you work with Dynamic Results, you get the full package and tireless support of the owner, Sparky Taft.
Randy Williams